Pjscicalc—A Scientific Calculator in Java

Pjscicalc is a general-purpose scientific calculator that you can use as a computer-desktop calculator. In addition to basic arithmetic functions it provides trigonometric functions, logarithms, powers and roots, memory, permutations and combinations. It also supports copying of output to the (system) clipboard. You can resize the application and use the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Pjscicalc is a fork of jscicalc, rewritten in Python, but using JavaScript to get a scientifc calculator that works well on a modern computer desktop. I wrote it because I did not like any of the calculators available.

Supported platforms

The calculator works on any platform on which you can run Python. The easiest way to use it is to download the zip file from sourceforce, make sure you have the python modules wxPython and mpmath installed, and run pjscicalc.py.

Try it

To see what the calculator looks like and how it functions, try this HTML/JavaScript version of the calculator. The Python version does more accurate calculations.